"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." --Prov. 22:6
Our expectations for our children should be that they will love the
Lord and pursue Him and forsake the things of this world to walk
alongside Christ and fulfill His calling on their lives. Too often we
see parents with low expectations for their children. Many parents think
their kids are just fine because they
aren't doing the things they were doing when they were teens such as
drinking, drugs, sex, or whatever sin they were engaging in. Is that our
standard? Really? Try measuring up your children to God's standards,
with the first standard being loving the Lord with all their heart,
mind, soul and strength. Praise God if that's what's going on in your
child's heart. If not, no matter how "good" they are it's not good
I even heard a pastor say once in a men's study that he
is just planting seeds in his boys and when they rebel against God as
teens he hopes they will have something to fall back onto in their 20s! I
wasn't much for that men's study after those words of anti-wisdom (I just made that word up, in case you noticed). We need to expect our
children will love the Lord and, most importantly, follow through by
discipling them and modeling a faithful walk with Christ and showing our
dependence on Him in our own lives. Do your children ever see you
reading your Bible? Do they ever see you praying? Do they ever hear you
talking about the Lord and his grace, mercy, faithfulness and
everlasting love? Do they ever hear you talking about making decisions
based on what the Lord is speaking to you in prayer and in His word, and
not trying to do things in your own strength?
Fathers, be leaders in your
families and lead your children to Christ by following Christ. Love and
obey God unconditionally. Receive His mercy and be merciful in return.
Be humble. Love others. Serve others, starting in your own family. Make
disciples, starting with your children.