Saturday, March 14, 2009

Habakkuk, The Untold Story

Alrighty, here it is ... the moment you've all been waiting for. Ore something like that. I'm posting a Youtube link to the excellent, soon to be award-winning video production that our house group in the Cornerstone School of Ministry put together over two days this week. It's a modern-day telling of the book of Habakkuk and before you watch it I encourage you to read the book just to get up to speed. Huge props on the project go to Anna Scott, the multi-talented designer who took paper bags, construction paper and glue and produced masterpieces. Also to Rachel Smith, a computer whiz who took raw video, rap lyrics and some crazy ideas and put it all together. Also props to Parker Smith, whose powerful, moving rendition of the prophet Habakkuk will likely yield him a new career in Hollywood. And what can we say about Brenton? Other than that he's launched his rap career. Who knew?

Here it is:


  1. Hey Matt, you can actually embed the video into your post. I can tell you how to do that. ;)

  2. That was awesome. Brenton may have missed his calling....

  3. How fun... you guys all might need to start rapping more. Sean and I were laughing! (esp.. on the whoops.. they almost said that word!!)

  4. This presentation was the best work you have all produced the entire year. I'm so proud. If I was grading and not Chris, I would give you all triple A pluses. :)

  5. HAHA
    That is so totally awesome. Where did you find these kids?

  6. Despite your "huge props" attributed to me for the puppets in attempt to redeem yourself for lack of appreciation in your previous blog entry, I am still feeling a little sarcasm in your recognization of my super exceeding talents causing me to question the sincerity of your thankfulness.

  7. I take that back, I have heard from your very lips the sincerety of your appreciation. And thank you because you really deserve all the props for your witty script, incredible rap lyrics, and best dance moves that make the whole video worth while.
